Rifidi 1.4.3

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New Features

This section describes some of the major new features in 1.4.3

GPIO Support

GPIO support has been added for the LLRP Reader as well as a new view in the IDE for toggeling GPI.

To use GPIO in the LLRP Reader, first create a new llrp reader with GPI and GPO ports

Add GPI and GPO ports on the LLRP Reader

Now you can toggle the GPI lines on the GPIO view in the IDE

New GPIO in the IDE

Specifically, the LLRP Reader now supports the following GPIO Functionality:

  • The LLRP client can enable event reporting and receive events when a GPI line is changed
  • The LLRP client can query the GPI and GPO lines using a GET_READER_CONFIG Message.
  • The LLRP Reader can be configured to start a ROspec when a GPI line changes
  • The LLRP Reader can be configured to stop ROSpecs or AISpecs when a GPI event happens
  • The LLRP client can write data (set or unset) a GPO port using the SET_READER_CONFIG Message.

Future Work

Some items of future work:

  • Add GPIO support for Alien Reader
  • Enable the GPO ports in the GPIO view to reflect the current state of the GPO ports in the reader. (We will use RMI callbacks for this)

Generating new tags with user-defined prefix

Users can now generate tags with a user defined prefix

Create tags with a user-defined prefix

The newly create tags will appear in the tag list on the left

Tags with a user-defined prefix

Future Work

  • Add tag on to the tag creation wizzard so that it is more clear as to what parts of the EPC-defined ID the user is defining

Migration to RMI Interface between IDE and Readers

The IDE and the Readers now use RMI to communicate (before they were using XML-RPC). We have decided to make this architectural change for a couple of reasons:

  • RMI will allow the readers to make callbacks to the IDE which will allow the IDE to display changes with the reader changes things like a TagID or GPO state.
  • RMI will allow us to move Rifidi to a more distributed architecture where one IDE or Tag Streamer could control multiple readers on multiple machines, thus enabling Rifidi to be used in performance testing.

For more information on how RMI works in Rifidi see RMI in Rifidi.

Bug Fixes

There have been numerous bug fixes in Rifidi since the last release. A better listing to come.

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