Fail-over Configuration (Primary/Secondary)

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Starting in 3.1 Failover Configuration (Primary/Secondary) feature is available.

This enables a Rifidi Edge server to be defined as a secondary node based on configuration described below. The secondary server will start and load the basic libraries. In the event a failure is detected based on thresholds configured the server will continue to load the necessary Rifidi Apps and connecting to the required sensors/readers to continue processing events.

Note: Many RFID readers only allow for one connection hence the reason for a primary and secondary node configuration to ensure only one connection by a Rifidi server node configuration .


rifidiserver.ini in windows and rifidi-server in linux/unix

-- A full list of Rifidi Edge configuartion parameters can be found Edge_Server_Configuration 

Edge Sever Configuration required to support Failover

-Dorg.rifidi.failover.primary= as example -if set then means its secondary if null of not set then primary 
Note: The Port number (8111 in this example and default) needs to match Restlet port # on primary server (found in [[Edge_Server_Configuration]] -Dorg.rifidi.restlet.port=8111)
-Dorg.rifidi.failover.frequency=10 - how often to call rest ping command in seconds
-Dorg.rifidi.failover.failurecount=6- number of consecutive failures

These settings will cause the server to act as a secondary node and try to connect to the primary, getting the "readers" command every 10 seconds. 6 failures in a row will mean the application launch will continue on.