Version 3.1

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Revision as of 13:24, 4 October 2014 by Bppause (Talk | contribs)

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Changes in 3.1

Sensor and Application Management

Exposed the Rifidi API via Restful Services enabling users/applications/devices to trigger dynamic events to applications and sensors managed by the Rifidi Edge Server Edge_Management

Edge Monitoring

Sensor/Reader Statistics, Memory, CPU, JVM, OSGI Monitoring via Restful Services Edge_Monitoring

Edge Messaging

The Edge Server is now bundled with the lightweight messaging broker MQTT widely used within IoT. Applications can now publish and subscribe to Rifidi Messaging Events Edge_Messaging

LLRP Updates

  1. Restful LLRP Config Command - ability to inject dynamic llrp.xml/configuration via restful service
  2. Performance Enhancements/Fixes,
  3. LLRP - include custom LLRP Tag report information in generic way
  4. Use reader time (instead of Rifidi Edge system time)

New Sensor/Reader Adapter

Convergence Systems Limited CS203 Edge_Server_Sensor_Plugins

New Example Applications

The Rifidi Services Jumpstart App, MQTT App and Restful Services App has been added to the developers guide to provide a simpler example and recommended production implementation design pattern Developer's_Guide Development_Jumpstarts

Sensor Rules Engine

Ability to Override Esper default configuration

Failover (Primary/Secondary) Nodes

Fail-over_Configuration_(Primary/Secondary) JVM settings

-Dorg.rifidi.failover.primary=192.168.x.x. as example -if set then means its secondary if null of not set then primary node -Dorg.rifidi.failover.frequency=1 - how often to call rest ping command in seconds -Dorg.rifidi.failover.failurecount = 5 - number of consecutive failures

OSGI - P2 Infrastructure and how to use

Platform Upgrades

Esper 5.x- Event Engine, Moquette 0.4 - MQTT Messaging Broker, Restlet 2.2.1 - Restful Services, Jolokia 1.2.2 - Restful/JMX Bridge used for Monitoring, - AWS 1.8.4. upgrades to latest

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix Problem with Manifest file in rxtx-osgi-2.2-pre2.jar impacting some windows 7 and windows 8 setups []
  2. handle connecting and processing to avoid auto save rifidi.xml config into a dead state (connecting)
  3. Performance Tuning - Ability to disable Rifidi startup apps tag monitoring and tag diagnostic (under heavy loads these could have impact on performance - see Performance_Tuning_Tips
  4. add display name for Thinkify and Generic adapter in workbench
  5. getCommandInstance make public (from protected) for Dynamic reader using submitandblock method []

Documentation Updates

  1. developer's guide - Rifidi Management API Jumstart, MQTT Jumpstart, Rifidi Services Jumstart Development_Jumpstarts
  2. developer's guide - Edge Management, Edge Monitoring and Edge Messaging (MQTT)
  3. user's guide - Edge_Management, Edge_Monitoring and Edge_Messaging(MQTT)
  4. user's guide - CSL Adapter -
  5. user's guide - Dynamic LLRP Configuartion via Restful Services-
  6. user's guide - LLRP Tag Encoding/Writing Rest





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