Version 3.1

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Revision as of 13:22, 4 October 2014 by Bppause (Talk | contribs)

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Changes in 3.1

Sensor and Application Management

Exposed the Rifidi API via Restful Services enabling users/applications/devices to trigger dynamic events to applications and sensors managed by the Rifidi Edge Server Edge_Management

Edge Monitoring

Sensor/Reader Statistics, Memory, CPU, JVM, OSGI Monitoring via Restful Services Edge_Monitoring

Edge Messaging

The Edge Server is now bundled with the lightweight messaging broker MQTT widely used within IoT. Applications can now publish and subscribe to Rifidi Messaging Events Edge_Messaging

LLRP Updates

  1. Restful LLRP Config Command - ability to inject dynamic llrp.xml/configuration via restful service
  2. Performance Enhancements/Fixes,
  3. LLRP - include custom LLRP Tag report information in generic way
  4. Use reader time (instead of Rifidi Edge system time)

New Sensor/Reader Adapter

Convergence Systems Limited CS203 Edge_Server_Sensor_Plugins

New Example Applications

The Rifidi Services Jumpstart App, MQTT App and Restful Services App has been added to the developers guide to provide a simpler example and recommended production implementation design pattern Developer's_Guide Development_Jumpstarts

Sensor Rules Engine

Ability to Override Esper default configuration

Failover (Primary/Secondary) Nodes

Fail-over_Configuration_(Primary/Secondary) JVM settings

-Dorg.rifidi.failover.primary=192.168.x.x. as example -if set then means its secondary if null of not set then primary node -Dorg.rifidi.failover.frequency=1 - how often to call rest ping command in seconds -Dorg.rifidi.failover.failurecount = 5 - number of consecutive failures

OSGI - P2 Infrastructure and how to use

Platform Upgrades

Esper 5.x- Event Engine, Moquette 0.4 - MQTT Messaging Broker, Restlet 2.2.1 - Restful Services, Jolokia 1.2.2 - Restful/JMX Bridge used for Monitoring, - AWS 1.8.4. upgrades to latest

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix Problem with Manifest file in rxtx-osgi-2.2-pre2.jar impacting some windows 7 and windows 8 setups [1]
  2. handle connecting and processing to avoid auto save rifidi.xml config into a dead state (connecting)
  3. Ability to disable specific startup apps such as monitoring and diagnostic
  4. add display name for Thinkify and Generic adapter in workbench
  5. getCommandInstance make public (from protected) for Dynamic reader using submitandblock method []

Documentation Updates

  1. developer's guide - Rifidi Management API Jumstart, MQTT Jumpstart, Rifidi Services Jumstart Development_Jumpstarts
  2. developer's guide - Edge Management, Edge Monitoring and Edge Messaging (MQTT)
  3. user's guide - Edge_Management, Edge_Monitoring and Edge_Messaging(MQTT)
  4. user's guide - CSL Adapter -
  5. user's guide - Dynamic LLRP Configuartion via Restful Services-
  6. user's guide - LLRP Tag Encoding/Writing Rest





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