How to Package Rifidi Edge
From RifidiWiki
These are the prerequisites and steps for packaing the Rifidi Edge SDK, Deb, Server Only Zip and Windows Installer
It is best to export the versions in this order for release:
- 1. Deb
- 2. Server only
- 3. Windows Installer
- 4. SDK
You will need a windows and linux machine (or virtual machine) to export and test. Dropbox is invaluable for this purpose, as it allows you to easily share the files across different machines.
- 1. You need to be on linux to build the Deb.
- 2. The docs, jars, bundles,info, rifidiserver.ini and rifidi-server linux executable must all be correct before release. Check them all before and after you export the deb or you will need to export it again.
- 3. is very easy to get wrong. Test the deb as soon as you export it for the first time, and make sure all the bundles you are expecting to show up show up with the "ss" command. Debug and fix any that aren't working, fix the in the SDK and rebuild.
- 4. Make sure the version numbers are incremented in "SDK/version.txt", "SDK/rifidi/usr/local/sbin/rifidi/version.txt", and "SDK/rifidi/debian/DEBIAN/control".
- 5. Make sure all your changes are checked in, as building the deb requires disconnecting the SDK from Github.
- 1. Make sure you have a new, fully updated SDK in your workspace.
- 2. Disconnect the SDK project from SVN. Delete the SVN metadata. If all the exported documents are way too big, you forgot to do this step.
- 3. Navigate to the SDK folder in the terminal and type 'sh'. DO NOT use sudo.
- 4. The deb will show up in sdk/rifidi/debian/Debian-packages
- 5. Immediately move the deb out of the Debian-packages and install it via "sudo dpkg -i (deb)". Test it and make sure everything is correct. If you need to change anything, you'll probably need to hook up the SDK to SVN again (or delete and re-download it from Github).
Server Only Zip
- 1. You'll need a debian package you are satisfied is working correctly to make the zip.
- 1. Open the deb with an archive tool and extract the "rifidi" folder.
- 2. Zip up the folder to a 7zip file with the name "RifidiEdge-XXX-server_only.7z", where XXX is the version number, like "3.1.0".
Windows Installer
- 1. You need to be on windows to make the windows installer.
- 2. You need the "/install" folder from the edge Github.
- 3. You need Inno Setup.
- 4. You'll need the "client" folder from a previous windows install, and the contents of the zip file in a folder called "server". Put them in the same folder, and modify the inno file in the install directory to point to that folder. Also make sure the inno install file is pointed at the installer assets, and make sure the version in the inno install file is correct.
- 1. Once the inno file is pointed at the correct place, compile and build the Inno file from Inno Setup.
- 2. Test the installer and make sure everything is working.
- 1. You need the SDK folder from when you built the deb.
- 2. Make sure the debian file itself isn't in the SDK, as it will make the SDK much too large.
- 3. Make sure you don't have anything non-standard in the RifidiHome folder, and make sure the launch file and launch file VM args are correct.
- 4. Make sure the SDK is disconnected from Github.
- 1. Make sure the SDK is working, then zip it up. It is ready for release.