Version 3.0

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Changes in 3.0

Equinox/OSGi upgraded to Kepler SR2

We're happy to announce that we've upgraded to Equinox Kepler SR2. With it comes a performance improvement and a new expanded console.

Esper upgraded to 4.11

Esper has been upgraded to version 4.11. Mainly added new Esper features. (One which was used for new RIFIDI RSSI Filtering Service

Support for Java 8

Note: Edge server has been tested to run with Java 8 for those who would like to take advantage of Java 8 features.

New RIFIDI Service

RSSI advance filtering service. Details on how to use can be found in 3.0 Developer's_Guide

Advanced Read Zone Filtering in SDK

Advanced Readzone filters and Reader Relationships through the SDK (leveraging regular expressions) Details on how to use can be found in 3.0 Developer's_Guide

Runtime Updates to Reader/Sensor Configurations

Run-time Updates to Reader Configurations based on Business and Infrastructure Events with SDK Dynamic_Reader_Configuration_Jumpstart

New Example Application

The Database Example App has been added to the developers guide to provide a simpler example and recommended production implementation design pattern Developer's_Guide

Bug Fixes

  1. RSSI Alien Bug Fix
  2. Motorola LLRP RoSpec Compatibility Fix
  3. Resolved Apps not consistently starting in Development Mode (Eclipse) when injecting custom Esper - such as Northwind App





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