LLRP Tag Encoding
From RifidiWiki
- 1 LLRP Tag Encoding Options
- 1.1 LLRP Encode Command
- 1.2 LLRP Encode Single Shot Commands
- 1.2.1 Single Shot Encode Operations Response
- 1.2.2 LLRPECWrite
- 1.2.3 LLRPKillPasswordWrite
- 1.2.4 LLRPAccessPasswordWrite
- 1.2.5 LLRPEPCLock
- 1.2.6 LLRPKillPasswordLock
- 1.2.7 LLRPAccessPasswordLock
- 1.2.8 LLRPUserMemoryLock coming in Rifidi 3.2
- 1.2.9 LLRPEPCRead - Reads EPC (with default wordCount 6 ) as of Rifidi 3.2
- 1.2.10 LLRPEPCRead - Reads EPC (overriding wordCount) as of Rifidi 3.2
- 1.2.11 LLRPAccessPasswordValidate as of Rifidi 3.2
- 1.2.12 LLRPKillPasswordRead as of Rifidi 3.2
- 1.2.13 LLRPUserMemoryRead (with default wordCount) as of Rifidi 3.2
- 1.2.14 LLRPUserMemoryRead (overriding wordCount) as of Rifidi 3.2
- 1.2.15 LLRPUserMemoryWrite as of Rifidi 3.2
LLRP Tag Encoding Options
LLRP Encode Command
LLRP Encode Command is used to encode a new Tag with the following operations:
Note: The encode command is meant for fully encoding a new tag with all 6 operations below. If one wishes to override any one operation (such as resetting access password or lock permission) please refer to the single shot operations below. Before encoding operation the server performs an access password validation operation, to ensure the tag is an empty tag, or the access password is set appropriate
Order: operationCode 1 - LLRPAccessPasswordWrite 2 - LLRPEPCWrite 3 - LLRPKillPasswordWrite 4 - LLRPEPCLock 5 - LLRPKillPasswordLock 6 - LLRPAccessPasswordLock
What are EPC, Kill Password, Access Password:
- EPC is the GEN2 EPC ID for a Tag
- Kill Password is used to set the password necessary to kill/destroy a tag for future use (by default there is no password (value(0))
- Access Password is used to perform tag writes such as EPC, Kill Password, Access Password (by default there is no password (value(0))
- C1G2Write, C1G2Read and C1G2Lock are the LLRP Access Spec operations used
- Command
llrpencode/{readerID}/{sessionID}/{tag}- Performs all LLRP Encoding operations for a New RFID Tag
- Example
- Prerequisites
- Ensure the reader session is already in a processing state
- Only one tag can be present(This is Not a Bulk encoding operation)
- Must be a LLRP reader
- Must be a valid readerID and sessionID
- tag must be evenly divide by 4 (word in hex) and tag must be able to support length
- access password and kill password must be evenly divide by 4 (4 or 8 characters/1 or 2 words) or 0
- Only one encoding session per reader can be active at one time
- Access Password on tag matches -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.oldaccesspwd set in rifidi-server config - ensures tag hasn't already been fully encoded
Global Settings via Edge_Server_Configuration
Global Properties below need to be set for LLRP encode based on ones requirements
- Note: All MQTT (if set), timeout tagmask and epctarget always come form Global Variables
- Note: These are set globally using the Rifidi Edge Configuration Edge_Server_Configuration
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.targetepc=000000000000000000000000 - (Hex Value) Sets the EPC Tag Data to perform operation on (Must be even block of 4 charaters and size depends on Tag - typical is 24 characters) - default if not set is 000000000000000000000000 -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.tagmask=000000000000000000000000 - (Hex Value) Sets the Tag Mask to perform operation on (0 is wildcard match, F is Exact Match) (Must be even block of 4 characters and size depends on Tag - typical is 24 characters) - default if not set is 000000000000000000000000 -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.timeout=5000 - Sets the duration of time to attempt operation (O is infinite until operation occurs, set in milliseconds) -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.accesspwd=0 - Access Password (Hex Value) (8 Characters or value of 0) - default if not set is 0 -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.oldaccesspwd=0 - Old Access Password (Hex Value) (8 Characters or value of 0) - default if not set is 0 Note: used when setting new access password -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.killpwd=0 - Kill Password (Hex Value) (8 Characters or value of 0) - default if not set is 0 -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.killpwdlockprivilege=Read_Write - If Set Performs a Kill Password Lock Operation (values can be Read_Write (which Locks), Perma_Lock, Unlock) - default if not set is Read_Write -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.accesspwdlockprivilege=Read_Write - If Set Performs a Access Password Lock Operation (values can be Read_Write (which Locks), Perma_Lock, Unlock) default if not set is Read_Write -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.epclockprivilege=Read_Write - If Set Performs a EPC Lock Operation (values can be Read_Write (which Locks), Perma_Lock, Unlock) - default if not set is Read_Write -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttbroker -- mqtt broker url - optional (if set, received response of encode operation is posted to this queue in asynchronous mode). Mqttqos and mqttclientid must be set too in order to post to queue -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttqos -- optional - Quality of service level for mqtt, example: 2 -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttclientid -- optional - Client id to publish messages on queue
Note: These are optional Global variables for MQTT. If these are set then llrpencode command operations response to sent asynchronously to a topic
- topic naming convention {readerId}/encode with result of encoding operations
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttqos=2 -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttbroker=tcp://localhost:1883 -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttclientid=llrpEncodeId
Encode Response
Response: Success
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <message>Success</message> </response>
Response: Fail
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <message>Fail</message> <Description> LLRP Message Returned goes here such as Tag mask and Tag data not matching - such</Description> </response> Note: Some types of Fail responses could be # Reader does not exist: <response> <message>Fail</message> <description>Reader with id LLRP_13 does not exist</description> </response> # Not a LLRP reader <response> <message>Fail</message> <description>Reader with id Front_Door_1 of type Alien is not an LLRP reader type</description> </response> # Not a valid session <response> <message>Fail</message> <description>Session with id 2 does not exist for reader with id LLRP_1</description> </response> # More than one tag (specifies the exact number of tags) <response> <message>Fail</message> <description>There are 2 tags in the scope of the reader with id LLRP_1</description> </response> # Invalid access spec request <response> <message>Fail</message> <description><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <llrp:ADD_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0"> <llrp:LLRPStatus> <llrp:StatusCode>M_FieldError</llrp:StatusCode> <llrp:ErrorDescription>An unkown C1G2 Opsec was added</llrp:ErrorDescription> </llrp:LLRPStatus> </llrp:ADD_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE></description> </response> # Given access password does not match expected access password <response> <message>Fail</message> <description>Given access password does not match expected access password - possibly old password is wrong or tag password has been changed via a previous encoding operation</description> </response> # Encoding session already active
Encode Operations Response
Note: These are optional Global variables for MQTT. If these are set then llrpencode command operations response to sent asynchronously to a topic
- topic naming convention {readerId}/encode with result of encoding operations
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttqos=2 -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttbroker=tcp://localhost:1883 -Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttclientid=llrpEncodeId
Success Message
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</Status> </encodeMessage>
Fail Message
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <operationList> <operation>LLRPAccessPasswordWrite:Sucess</operation> <operation>LLRPEPCWrite:Sucess</operation> <operation>LLRPKillPasswordWrite:Sucess</operation> <operation>LLRPEPCLock:No_Response_From_Tag</operation> <operation>LLRPKillPaswordLock: Success</operation> <operation>LLRPAccessPaswordLock: Success</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
Full List of Return Failure Codes:
Insufficient_Power No_Response_From_Tag Nonspecific_Reader_Error Nonspecific_Tag_Error Tag_Memory_Locked_Error Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error
LLRP Encode Single Shot Commands
These are used to perform single operations and override Global properties therefore all values must be supplied in request Note: All MQTT (if set), timeout tagmask and epctarget always come form Global Variables
- Command
- Special characters: See how to send special characters in properties' values http://wiki.rifidi.net/index.php?title=Rifidi_App_API#Properties_with_special_characters
List of operationCodes
LLRPEPCWrite LLRPKillPasswordWrite LLRPAccessPasswordWrite LLRPEPCLock LLRPKillPasswordLock LLRPAccessPasswordLock LLRPUserMemoryLock LLRPEPCRead LLRPAccessPasswordValidate LLRPKillPasswordRead LLRPUserMemoryRead LLRPUserMemoryWrite
Single Shot Encode Operations Response
If MQTT Variables defined Globally (above) then operations result response will be sent to MQTT topic otherwise response is synchronous
- Topic naming convention: {readerID}/encode
- Example LLRPECWrite - Used to Write a EPC ID
Success Message
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</Status> </encodeMessage>
Response: Fail (on Request Validation)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <message>Fail</message> <Description> LLRP Message Returned goes here such as Tag mask and Tag data not matching - such</Description> </response> Note: Some types of Fail responses could be # More than one tag # Not a LLLRP reader # Not a valid session # Invalid access spec request # Encoding session already active
Response: Fail (on Encode Operation Result) - Note: if Async configured this response will be in MQTT Topic
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <operationList> <operation>LLRPEPCLock:No_Response_From_Tag</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
Full List of Encode Operations Failure Codes:
Insufficient_Power No_Response_From_Tag Nonspecific_Reader_Error Nonspecific_Tag_Error Tag_Memory_Locked_Error Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error
- Example LLRPKillPasswordWrite - Used to Write a Kill Password
Success Message
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</Status> </encodeMessage>
Response: Fail (on Request Validation)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <message>Fail</message> <Description> LLRP Message Returned goes here such as Tag mask and Tag data not matching - such</Description> </response> Note: Some types of Fail responses could be # More than one tag # Not a LLLRP reader # Not a valid session # Invalid access spec request # Encoding session already active
Response: Fail (on Encode Operation Result) - Note: if Async configured this response will be in MQTT Topic
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <operationList> <operation>LLRPEPCLock:No_Response_From_Tag</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
Full List of Encode Operations Failure Codes:
Insufficient_Power No_Response_From_Tag Nonspecific_Reader_Error Nonspecific_Tag_Error Tag_Memory_Locked_Error Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error
- Example LLRPAccessPasswordWrite - Used to Write a Access Password
Success Message
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</Status> </encodeMessage>
Fail Message
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <operationList> <operation>LLRPEPCLock:No_Response_From_Tag</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
Full List of Encode Operations Failure Codes:
Insufficient_Power No_Response_From_Tag Nonspecific_Reader_Error Nonspecific_Tag_Error Tag_Memory_Locked_Error Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error
- Example LLRPEPCLock - Set EPC Lock Priveledge
Success Message
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</Status> </encodeMessage>
Response: Fail (on Request Validation)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <message>Fail</message> <Description> LLRP Message Returned goes here such as Tag mask and Tag data not matching - such</Description> </response> Note: Some types of Fail responses could be # More than one tag # Not a LLLRP reader # Not a valid session # Invalid access spec request # Encoding session already active
Response: Fail (on Encode Operation Result) - Note: if Async configured this response will be in MQTT Topic
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <operationList> <operation>LLRPEPCLock:No_Response_From_Tag</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
Full List of Encode Operations Failure Codes:
Insufficient_Power No_Response_From_Tag Nonspecific_Reader_Error Nonspecific_Tag_Error Tag_Memory_Locked_Error Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error
- Example LLRPKillPasswordLock - Set Kill Password Lock Privilege
Success Message
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</Status> </encodeMessage>
Response: Fail (on Request Validation)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <message>Fail</message> <Description> LLRP Message Returned goes here such as Tag mask and Tag data not matching - such</Description> </response> Note: Some types of Fail responses could be # More than one tag # Not a LLLRP reader # Not a valid session # Invalid access spec request # Encoding session already active
Response: Fail (on Encode Operation Result) - Note: if Async configured this response will be in MQTT Topic
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <operationList> <operation>LLRPEPCLock:No_Response_From_Tag</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
Full List of Encode Operations Failure Codes:
Insufficient_Power No_Response_From_Tag Nonspecific_Reader_Error Nonspecific_Tag_Error Tag_Memory_Locked_Error Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error
- Example LLRPAccessPasswordLock - Set Access Password Lock Privilege
Success Message
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</Status> </encodeMessage>
Response: Fail (on Request Validation)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <message>Fail</message> <Description> LLRP Message Returned goes here such as Tag mask and Tag data not matching - such</Description> </response> Note: Some types of Fail responses could be # More than one tag # Not a LLLRP reader # Not a valid session # Invalid access spec request # Encoding session already active
Response: Fail (on Encode Operation Result) - Note: if Async configured this response will be in MQTT Topic
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <operationList> <operation>LLRPEPCLock:No_Response_From_Tag</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
Full List of Encode Operations Failure Codes:
Insufficient_Power No_Response_From_Tag Nonspecific_Reader_Error Nonspecific_Tag_Error Tag_Memory_Locked_Error Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error
LLRPUserMemoryLock coming in Rifidi 3.2
- Example LLRPUserMemoryLock- Set user memory Lock Privilege
Success Message
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</Status> </encodeMessage>
Response: Fail (on Request Validation)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <message>Fail</message> <Description> LLRP Message Returned goes here such as Tag mask and Tag data not matching - such</Description> </response> Note: Some types of Fail responses could be # More than one tag # Not a LLLRP reader # Not a valid session # Invalid access spec request # Encoding session already active
Response: Fail (on Encode Operation Result) - Note: if Async configured this response will be in MQTT Topic
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <operationList> <operation>LLRPUserMemoryLock:Nonspecific_Tag_Error</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
Full List of Encode Operations Failure Codes:
Insufficient_Power No_Response_From_Tag Nonspecific_Reader_Error Nonspecific_Tag_Error Tag_Memory_Locked_Error Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error
LLRPEPCRead - Reads EPC (with default wordCount 6 ) as of Rifidi 3.2
- Example LLRPEPCRead - Reads EPC (with default wordCount)
wordCount parameter means how many blocks of 4 characters conform the EPC. Default wordCount value is 6, witch is 24 charters or 96 bit, which is typical for many tags.
Success Message
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</Status> </encodeMessage>
Response: Fail (on Encode Operation Result) - Note: if Async configured this response will be in MQTT Topic
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <operationList> <operation>LLRPEPCLock:No_Response_From_Tag</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
Full List of Encode Operations Failure Codes:
Insufficient_Power No_Response_From_Tag Nonspecific_Reader_Error Nonspecific_Tag_Error Tag_Memory_Locked_Error Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error
LLRPEPCRead - Reads EPC (overriding wordCount) as of Rifidi 3.2
- Example LLRPEPCRead - Reads EPC (overriding wordCount)
wordCount parameter means how many blocks of 4 characters conform the EPC. Default wordCount value is 6, witch is 24 charters or 96 bit, which is typical for many tags. Setting this parameter allows one to override the default wordCount value of 6
If provided access password is correct, the EPC is returned:
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</status> <data>111122223333444455556608</data> </encodeMessage>
If access password is wrong, returns a fail message:
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <data/> <operationList> <operation>LLRPEPCRead:Nonspecific_Reader_Error</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
LLRPAccessPasswordValidate as of Rifidi 3.2
- Example LLRPAccessPasswordValidate - Validate access password
If provided access password is correct, returns success:
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</status> </encodeMessage>
If access password is wrong, returns a fail message:
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <data/> <operationList> <operation>LLRPAccessPasswordValidate:Nonspecific_Reader_Error</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
LLRPKillPasswordRead as of Rifidi 3.2
- Example LLRPKillPasswordRead - Reads kill password
If provided access password is correct, the kill password is returned:
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</status> <data>56783456</data> </encodeMessage>
If access password is wrong, returns a fail message:
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <data/> <operationList> <operation>LLRPKillPasswordRead:Nonspecific_Reader_Error</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
LLRPUserMemoryRead (with default wordCount) as of Rifidi 3.2
- Example LLRPUserMemoryRead - Reads user memory
wordCount parameter means how many blocks of 4 characters conform the user memory. Default wordCount value for user memory is 2, witch is 8 charters.
If provided access password is correct, the user memory data is returned:
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</status> <data>56783456</data> </encodeMessage>
If access password is wrong, returns a fail message:
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <data/> <operationList> <operation>LLRPUserMemoryRead:Nonspecific_Tag_Error</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
LLRPUserMemoryRead (overriding wordCount) as of Rifidi 3.2
- Example LLRPUserMemoryRead - Reads user memory
wordCount parameter means how many blocks of 4 characters conform the user memory.
If provided access password is correct, the user memory data is returned:
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</status> <data>56783456</data> </encodeMessage>
If access password is wrong, returns a fail message:
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <data/> <operationList> <operation>LLRPUserMemoryRead:Nonspecific_Tag_Error</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>
LLRPUserMemoryWrite as of Rifidi 3.2
- Example LLRPUserMemoryWrite - Writes to user memory
data parameter is the data to be written in user memory.
If provided access password is correct, the user memory data is written:
<encodeMessage> <status>Success</status> </encodeMessage>
If access password is wrong, returns a fail message:
<encodeMessage> <status>Fail</status> <data/> <operationList> <operation>LLRPUserMemoryWrite:Nonspecific_Reader_Error</operation> </operationList> </encodeMessage>