How to add OSGI Bundles

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Note: These steps are for adding a OSGI bundle NOT already included as part of the Rifidi Edge Core plugins (example bundles included are MySql, AWS, Esper. Spring - see Jumpstarts for examples on hwo to use)

high level summary below

  • 1). For the bundle you want to export, go to META-INF/ in eclipse
  • 2)Press "Export Wizard". Select a directory to export to. If you wish, you can select multiple bundles to export at this time. Default options should work fine for the rest.
  • 3)Press "Finish". Jars for all bundles selected should end up in the folder you chose.
  • 4)Transfer the jars to the "plugins" folder in a rifidi install. Replace any jars with the same name. There is a file called "" in "configuration/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator". If you added any new jars, or incremented the version of any existing jars, you'll need to update this file to reflect
  • 5) update in server/configuration/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator

example entry


  • 6) Once RIFIDI Edge starts at OSGI prompt type ss to verify bundle is ACTIVE

Note: OSGI Bundles include in the Spring Framework can be found here -

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