Edge Messaging
From RifidiWiki
Prior to Rifidi 3.1 Edge Messaging is available through ActiveMQ/JMS Interface. Starting in 3.1 Edge Messaging is now accessible though MQTT (Lightweight IoT Messaging Protocol through leveraging Moquette-mqtt plugin.
This now enables Rifidi Applications to publish events (captured via Rifidi Services for example Readzone Montoring, Stables Set) to a lightweight MQTT messaging queue
In rifidiserver.ini - A full list of Rifidi Edge configuartion parameters can be found Edge_Server_Configuration
- -Dorg.rifidi.mqtt.enabled=true
- Moquette (MQTT Implementation) starts by default this can be changed
In the config folder is moquette.conf
This is where MQTT TCP, SSL and Websocket port and configuration can be set.
Note: SSL and Websockets support added in Rifidi 3.1.1
############################################## # Moquette configuration file. # # The synthax is equals to mosquitto.conf # ############################################## port 1883 websocket_port 8888 host #Password file password_file config/password_file.conf ssl_port 8883 jks_path config/serverkeystore.jks key_store_password password key_manager_password password
Link to Rifidi Source containing MQTT - https://transcends.svn.cloudforge.com/rifidi/rifidi/trunk/org.rifidi.edge/src/org/rifidi/edge/Activator.java
Clients for Publishings/Subscribing to MqTT Broker
An example client for subscribing/consuming these messages can be found at Paho Eclipse IoT/M2M Project