Edge LLRP Reader Management

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Edge LLRP Reader Management

These are the RESTful commands specific for managing LLRP readers with Rifidi

LLRP Dynamic Configuration command example

Example LLRP Message (Setting Reader Configuration) -

<llrp:SET_READER_CONFIG xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0">
  • posting the example LLRP Message using MyHttpTestClient

Response: Success

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<llrp:SET_READER_CONFIG_RESPONSE xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0">
    <llrp:ErrorDescription />
  • posting the example LLRP Message using MyHttpTestClient, setting wrong reader id

Response: Fail

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <description>ReaderID is missing or invalid</description>
  • posting the example LLRP Message using MyHttpTestClient, setting wrong session id

Response: Fail

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <description>SessionID is missing or invalid</description>
  • posting the example LLRP Message using MyHttpTestClient, setting wrong entry in xml message, for example setting <llrp:EnableCRC>xxAB1</llrp:EnableCRC>

Response: Fail

LTK XML message can not be validated against schema org/llrp/ltk/llrp-1x0.xsd
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<llrp:SET_READER_CONFIG xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0">
because cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: 'xxAB1' is not a valid value for 'boolean'.

LLRP Get Reader Configuration

Available starting in Rifidi 3.1.1

Note: Applies to LLRP sesnortypes only. Helpful for troubleshooting to determine the current LLRP Reader configuration example


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<llrp:GET_READER_CONFIG_RESPONSE xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0">


Available starting in Rifidi 3.1.1

Note: Applies to only LLRP sensortypes - Helpful for troubleshooting to determine the current LLRP ROSpec configuration example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<llrp:GET_ROSPECS_RESPONSE xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0">

LLRP Encode Command

LLRP Encode Command is used to encode a new Tag with the following operations:

Order:  operationCode
 1 - LLRPAccessPasswordWrite
 2 - LLRPEPCWrite
 3 - LLRPKillPasswordWrite
 4 - LLRPEPCLock
 5 - LLRPKillPasswordLock
 6 - LLRPAccessPasswordLock

What are EPC, Kill Password, Access Password:

  • EPC is the GEN2 EPC ID for a Tag
  • Kill Password is used to set the password necessary to kill/destroy a tag for future use (by default there is no password (value(0))
  • Access Password is used to perform tag writes such as EPC, Kill Password, Access Password (by default there is no password (value(0))
  • C1G2Write and C1G2Lock are the LLRP Access Spec operations used

  • Command

llrpencode/{readerID}/{sessionID}/{tag}- Performs all LLRP Encoding operations for a New RFID Tag

  • Example


  • Prerequisites
  1. Only one tag can be present(This is Not a Bulk encoding operation)
  2. Must be a LLRP reader
  3. Must be a valid readerID and sessionID
  4. tag must be evenly divide by 4 (word in hex) and tag must be able to support length
  5. access password and kill password must be evenly divide by 4 (4 or 8 characters/1 or 2 words) or 0
  6. Only one encoding session per reader can be active at one time

Global Settings via Edge_Server_Configuration

Global Properties below need to be set for LLRP encode based on ones requirements

  • Note: All MQTT (if set), timeout tagmask and epctarget always come form Global Variables
  • Note: These are set globally using the Rifidi Edge Configuration Edge_Server_Configuration
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.targetepc=000000000000000000000000 -   (Hex Value) Sets the EPC Tag Data to perform operation on (Must be even block of 4 charaters and size depends on Tag - typical is 24 characters) - default if not set is 000000000000000000000000
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.tagmask=000000000000000000000000 -  (Hex Value) Sets the Tag Mask to perform operation on (0 is wildcard match, F is Exact Match) (Must be even block of 4 characters and size depends on Tag - typical is 24 characters) - default if not set is 000000000000000000000000
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.timeout=5000 - Sets the duration of time to attempt operation (O is infinite until operation occurs, set in milliseconds)
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.accesspwd=0 - Access Password (Hex Value) (8 Characters or value of 0) - default if not set is 0
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.oldaccesspwd=0 - Old Access Password (Hex Value) (8 Characters or value of 0) - default if not set is 0 Note: used when setting new access password 
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.killpwd=0 - Kill Password (Hex Value) (8 Characters or value of 0)  - default if not set is 0
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.killpwdlockprivilege=Read_Write     - If Set Performs a Kill Password Lock Operation (values can be Read_Write (which Locks), Perma_Lock, Unlock) - default if not set is Read_Write
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.accesspwdlockprivilege=Read_Write     - If Set Performs a Access Password Lock Operation (values can be Read_Write (which Locks), Perma_Lock, Unlock)  default if not set is Read_Write
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.epclockprivilege=Read_Write     - If Set Performs a EPC Lock Operation (values can be Read_Write (which Locks), Perma_Lock, Unlock)  -  default if not set is Read_Write
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttbroker  --   mqtt broker url - optional (if set, received response of encode operation is posted to this queue in asynchronous mode). Mqttqos and mqttclientid must be set too in order to post to queue
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttqos  -- optional - Quality of service level for mqtt, example: 2
-Dorg.rifidi.llrp.encode.mqttclientid  -- optional - Client id to publish messages on queue

Note: These are optional Global variables for MQTT. If these are set then llrpencode command operations response to sent asynchronously to a topic

  • topic naming convention {readerId}/encode with result of encoding operations

Encode Response

Response: Success

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response: Fail

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Description> LLRP Message Returned goes here such as Tag mask and Tag data not matching - such</Description>

Note: Some types of Fail responses could be

# Reader does not exist:
   <description>Reader with id LLRP_13 does not exist</description>

# Not a LLRP reader
   <description>Reader with id Front_Door_1 of type Alien is not an LLRP reader type</description>

# Not a valid session
   <description>Session with id 2 does not exist for reader with id LLRP_1</description>

# More than one tag
   <description>There are 2 tags in the scope of the reader with id LLRP_1</description>

# Invalid access spec request
   <description><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <llrp:ADD_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0"> <llrp:LLRPStatus> <llrp:StatusCode>M_FieldError</llrp:StatusCode> <llrp:ErrorDescription>An unkown C1G2 Opsec was added</llrp:ErrorDescription> </llrp:LLRPStatus> </llrp:ADD_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE></description>

# Encoding session already active

Encode Operations Response

If MQTT Variables defined Globally (above) then operations result response will be sent to MQTT topic

  • Topic naming convention: {readerID}/encode

Success Message


Fail Message

     <operation>LLRPKillPaswordLock: Success</operation>
     <operation>LLRPAccessPaswordLock: Success</operation>

Full List of Return Failure Codes:


LLRP Encode Single Shot Commands

These are used to perform single operations and override Global properties therefore all values must be supplied in request Note: All MQTT (if set), timeout tagmask and epctarget always come form Global Variables

  • Command


List of operationCodes

  • Example LLRPECWrite - Used to Write a EPC ID


  • Example LLRPKillPasswordWrite - Used to Write a Kill Password


  • Example LLRPAccessPasswordWrite - Used to Write a Access Password


  • Example LLRPEPCLock - Set EPC Lock Priveledge


  • Example LLRPKillPasswordLock - Set Kill Password Lock Privilege


  • Example LLRPAccessPasswordLock - Set Access Password Lock Privilege


Single Shot Encode Operations Response

If MQTT Variables defined Globally (above) then operations result response will be sent to MQTT topic otherwise response is synchronous

  • Topic naming convention: {readerID}/encode

Encode Single Shot Response

Response: Success

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response: Fail

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Description> LLRP Message Returned goes here such as Tag mask and Tag data not matching - such</Description>

Note: Some types of Fail responses could be
# More than one tag
# Not a LLLRP reader
# Not a valid session
# Invalid access spec request
# Encoding session already active

Success Message


Fail Message


Full List of Return Failure Codes:

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