Documentation Guidelines

From RifidiWiki

Revision as of 16:46, 7 November 2007 by Kyle (Talk | contribs)

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Contributing to the Wiki

As an open source project, Rifidi welcomes contributions of any kinds from its user community. If you would like to contribute to the wiki, you will need to first register and then log in using the links at the top right hand corner of the page. If you have not edited wikis, before, it may be helpful to visit some of the links that we have provided on our wiki home page.

Structure of the Rifidi Wiki

In order to keep the wiki somewhat structured, information should be attempted to put into one of several categories. Try to use the [[category:]]] at the top of pages so that things are easier to find. The basic structure of the wiki is as follows:

  • User documentation - This docuemtation describes how to obtain and run Rifidi. Please use the [[category:userDoc]] at the top of any page in this category
  • Developer documentation - This documentation should be used for anything that is helpful for developers, including but not limited to, how to get the source, how to compile, architecture diagrams, and implementation documents. Please tag pages in this category with [[category:developerDoc]]]
    • Engine documentation - This category if for developer documentation that describes the engine. Please tag it with [[category:developerDoc]][[category:engineDoc]]]
    • Designer documentation - This category if for developer documentation that describes the Designer tool Please tag it with [[category:developerDoc]][[category:designerDoc]]]
  • Idea Box - The idea box is for any random thoughts that do not fit in to any other category well. Tag with [[category:ideaBox]]]
  • Wiki Help - Any useful information for newbies on how to edit the wiki. Tag with [[category:wiki]]]

Note that pages can fall into several categories, such as this page, which is both a developer doc and a wiki help page. Use your best judgment, but in the end it is better to make the information available rather than worrying too much about the structure.