Alien GPIO

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Alien GPIO

Here are a list of commands that, when run, will fire GPO port 0. In order for these commands to work, you must put an infrared port before the Alien gate and hook it up to GPI0, and another IR port after the gate hooked up to GPI1.

   RFAttenuation = 90;
   NetworkTimeout = "9000";
   AcquireMode = "Global Scroll";
   PersistTime = "-1";
   AutoAction = "Acquire";
   AutoWaitOutput = "0";
   AutoWorkOutput = "4";
   AutoTrueOutput = "1";
   AutoFalseOutput = "2";
   AutoStartTrigger = "0,1";
   AutoStopTrigger = "2,0";
   AutoStopTimer = "-1";
   AutoTruePause = "3000";
   AutoFalsePause = "3000";
   ExternalOutput = "0";

Things to watch out for

If a box enters the field of IR beam 1 while another box has not hit or is still blocking IR beam 2, the reader will not behave as expected. Try reducing the box rate if this happens.