Web Administration Dashboard

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The Web Administration Dashboard enables users to manage, monitor and configure Rifidi Servers and Applications.

Provide web admin Dashboard example URL:

Server Management

Add Server

  1. Right click on 'Servers' node and then choose 'Add server'
    Add server link.png
  2. Provide the values for attributes: Display name, IP address, protocol and port where rest services are deployed on that server.
    Add server.png
  3. Click on 'Create' button and confirm
    Add server confirm2.png

Delete Server

  1. Right click on server node to delete and then choose 'Delete server'
    Delete server link.png
  2. Confirm delete operation
    Delete server confirm2.png

Update Server Connection Properties

  1. Click on server node to modify and then go to properties editor area
    Edit server link.png
  2. Provide the values for attributes: Display name, IP address, protocol and port where rest services are deployed on that server.
    Modify server.png
  3. Click on 'Save' button and confirm
    Modify server confirm.png

Save Server Configuration

  1. Right click on server node and then choose 'Save server config'
    Save server link.png
  2. Confirm the save operation
    Save server confirm.png

Save all servers Configuration

  1. Right click on "Servers" node and then choose 'Save all servers config'
    Save all servers link.png
  2. Confirm the save operation
    Save all servers confirm.png

Configure Primary/Secondary Nodes

Start Server

Stop Server

Configure logging

View/Filter logs

Monitor Server via Jolokia

leveraging edge monitoring Jolokia rest interface

Sensor Management


Add Sensor Wizard

Steps user through creating sensor, session and command (where applicable).

  1. Right click on 'Sensor Management' node and then choose 'Add Sensor'
    Add sensor link.png
  2. Choose the sensor type and optionally provide the reader id and click Next
    Add sensor readertype selection.png
  3. Set the connection properties for sensor and optionally check if automatically start session, and click Next
    Add sensor set sensor properties.png
  4. Create the command for sensor, choose the command type and choose to create a new command instance or select an existing one, set the properties for command instance and set the scheduling options for executing command, and click Next
    Add sensor create command.png
  5. Review steps summary and confirm
    Add sensor summary.png

Updated Sensor Properties

  1. Click on sensor node to modify and then go to properties editor area
    Edit sensor link.png
  2. Provide the values for sensor attributes
    Edit sensor.png
  3. Click on 'Save sensor properties' button and confirm
    Edit sensor confirm.png

Delete Sensor

  1. Right click on sensor node to delete and then choose 'Delete Sensor'
    Delete sensor link.png
  2. Confirm delete operation
    Delete sensor confirm.png


Start Session

  1. Click on session node to start and then click on 'Start Session'
    Start session link.png

Stop Session

  1. Click on session node to stop and then click on 'Stop Session'
    Stop session link.png


Updated Command properties

  1. Click on command instance node to modify and then go to properties editor area
    Edit command link.png
  2. Provide the values for command attributes
    Edit command.png
  3. Click on 'Save' button and confirm
    Edit command confirm.png

Deleted Command

  1. Right click on command node to delete and then choose 'Delete Command Template'
    Delete command link.png
  2. Confirm delete operation
    Delete command confirm.png

Create Command

  1. Right click on command type node, select 'Create Command Template' and then go to properties editor area
    Create command link.png
  2. Provide the values for command attributes
    Create command.png
  3. Click on 'Create' button and confirm
    Create command confirm.png

Execute Command

  1. Right click on session element where you want to submit the job and then choose 'Submit Job'
    Execute command link.png
  2. Choose the command type and choose to create a new command instance or select an existing one, set the properties for command instance and set the scheduling options for executing command, and click Submit
    Execute command.png
  3. Confirm the operation clicking on 'Submit Job' buton
    Execute command confirm.png


Add Reader Configuarions

Update Reader Configurations

Delete Reader Configuratins

Add RoSpec

Update RoSpec

Delete RoSpec


View Current Tags on a Sensor


Map on Floor Plan (Overlay Google Maps

Application Management

Rifidi Applications

Add Application

Update Application

Remove Application


Get Readzones

Add Readzone

Delete Readzones

Update Readzones

Appliaction Porperties

Get Group Porperties

Add Group Properties

Delete Group Properties

Update Group Properties

Get Application Porperties

Add Application Properties

Delete Application Properties

Update Application Properties

Personal tools