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(LLRP Get Reader Configuration)
(LLRP Get ROSpec)
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==LLRP Get ROSpec==
==LLRP Get ROSpec==
Available starting in Rifidi 3.1.1
*llrpgetrospecs/{readerID}/{sessionID} -Returns the current LLRP ROSpec configuration for a given reader id - Specification - http://www.gs1.org/gsmp/kc/epcglobal/llrp)
*llrpgetrospecs/{readerID}/{sessionID} -Returns the current LLRP ROSpec configuration for a given reader id - Specification - http://www.gs1.org/gsmp/kc/epcglobal/llrp)
Note: Applies to only LLRP sensortypes - Helpful for troubleshooting to determine the current LLRP ROSpec configuration  
Note: Applies to only LLRP sensortypes - Helpful for troubleshooting to determine the current LLRP ROSpec configuration  

Revision as of 20:54, 7 December 2014


Starting in 3.1 Edge Management is now accessible though Restful Services (leveraging Restlet plugin. Restlet allows all Rifidi Edge Management operations available through workbench to be accessible via Restful Services.Prior to Rifidi 3.1 Edge Management is available through RMI (currently used by Rifidi Workbench if looking for code examples).

The types of operations available through Restful Services include:

  • All "session" commands (for stopping and starting reader/sensor sessions)
  • ExecuteCommand and deleteCommand (for commands supported by a sensor such as a tag read)
  • Readers (for getting a list of readers/sensors available on Edge Server instance)
  • Commands (for issuing command line operations such as saving the Edge Server Configuration currently in memory)
  • Get and Set Properties (for setting and getting sensor properties such as Setting the LLRP Reader Configuration dynamically)
  • Create Reader (for creating a new reader connection)
  • Managing Rifidi Applications (for stopping/starting, listing and deploying Rifidi Apps)

Additional features can be found on Restlet User Guide


In rifidiserver.ini - A full list of Rifidi Edge configuration parameters can be found Edge_Server_Configuration

#Port can be set
#Restlet starts by default this can be changed 

Source for Restful Rifidi Management Commands - https://transcends.svn.cloudforge.com/rifidi/rifidi/trunk/org.rifidi.edge/src/org/rifidi/edge/rest/

Configuration (HTTP over SSL) - Available as of version 3.1.1

A full list of Rifidi Edge configuration parameters can be found Edge_Server_Configuration

#SSL Port can be set
#Restlet starts by default this can be changed 
#Keystore Path
#Key store password
#Key Password
#Key store Type

REST HTTP over SSL Example Application

link to https java client example - https://transcends.svn.cloudforge.com/rifidi/rifidi/trunk/org.rifidi.edge.rest/src/org/rifidi/edge/rest/test/HttpsTestClient.java

user can add this jvm parameter to see detailed messages if getting any 
trouble when running this example:

In order t0 successful get the https response from stand alone java 
example, user must import the certificate into JVM:

open command windows as administrator and execute keytool -import, like:

keytool -import -alias localhost -keystore "C:\Program Files 
(x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -file 

if requested, default password is: changeit


Command Code Snippet - start session - example how to use Rifidi API in a Java App

All Rifidi Management API Command Logic here - https://transcends.svn.cloudforge.com/rifidi/rifidi/trunk/org.rifidi.edge/src/org/rifidi/edge/rest/SensorManagerServiceRestletImpl.java

try {
sensorManagerService.startSession((String) request
	.getAttributes().get("readerID"), (String) request
		.generateSuccessMessage()), MediaType.TEXT_XML);
} catch (Exception e) {
	response.setEntity(e.getMessage(), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);

Command Basic Flow Example

  1. Create a Reader - http://localhost:8111/createreader/LLRP/IpAddress=;Port=5084
  2. Create a Session (on a reader/sensor) - http://localhost:8111/createsession/LLRP_1
  3. Create a Command (on a reader/sensor)) -/createcommand/{commandType}/{properties}
  • Note: some readers do not require create/executing a command as there is only one command hence for convenience is part of the create session/start session (Thinkify, CSL and Generic adapter (for handhelds/async push calls) are some examples of this)
  1. Set Command Properties - http://localhost:8111/setproperties/LLRP_Configure_1/Duration=2130
  2. Execute Command (on a given reader/sensor and session) - http://localhost:8111/executecommand/LLRP_1/1/LLRP_Configure_1/-1
  3. Start Session (to begin processing reads using associate command/reader/sensor configuration) - http://localhost:8111/startsession/LLRP_1/1
  4. Save Configuartion (optional - to save/persist config in case of a server restart) - http://localhost:8111/save

Command Example

Note: localhost can be substituted with IP address/Host name of Rifidi Edge Server. Port can be changed in Rifidi configuration

commandtypes command example

  • commandtypes - returns a list of available command types

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "commandtypes" command like this:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <description>Poll the ThingMagic reader for its tags. For monitoring of the read zone, submit this command for recurring execution.</description>
         <description>Configure the LLRP reader via an XML file.  Any changes made to the reader are determined by the contents of the file.  To generate xml code for the commands you want to submit, check out LLRP Commander here: http://www.fosstrak.org/llrp/index.html</description>
         <description>Command the Awid reader to stop sending back tags. To use, submit this command for a one-time execution.</description>
         <description>Configure the Awid reader to send back tags using the Gen 2 Portal ID command. To monitor a read zone, submit this command for a one-time execution.</description>
         <description>Poll the Alien reader for its tag list. For monitoring of the read zone, submit this command for recurring execution.</description>
         <description>Configure the LLRP reader to collect tags.  By default, this command will cause the LLRP reader to push back tag reads automatically.  If you would rather use the Poll mode, you will need to use the LLRP Poll command. To use the LLRP Configure command, submit it for a one-time execution</description>
         <description>Configure the Alien reader to send back tags using the autonomous mode. To monitor a read zone, configure an Alien autonomous reader to listen.  Then submit this command for a one-time execution.</description>
         <description>Sets the Thingmagic to push tags back to the edge server</description>
         <description>Configure the Awid reader to send back tags using the Gen 2 Portal ID command. To monitor a read zone, submit this command for a one-time execution.</description>
         <description>Configure the Awid reader to send back tags using the Gen 2 Portal ID With Mask command. To monitor a read zone and read a specific memory bank, submit this command for a one-time execution.</description>
         <description>Configure the Awid reader to send back memory bank tags using the Read Block Data commmand. To monitor a read zone and read a specific memory bank, submit this command for a one-time execution.</description>
         <description>Poll the LLRP reader for its tags. For monitoring of the read zone, first use the LLRP Configure command to configure the LLRP reader for Poll Mode. Then submit this command for recurring execution.</description>
         <description>Command the LLRP reader to stop sending back tags.  To use, supply the RO Spec that is currently executing on the reader, and submit this command for a one-time execution.</description>
         <description>Command the Alien reader to stop sending back tags in autonomous mode.  To use, submit this command for a one-time execution.</description>
         <description>Command the Awid reader to stop sending back tags. To use, submit this command for a one-time execution.</description>

readertypes command example

  • readertypes - returns a list of available reader/sensor types (such as LLRP, Alien, BarCode etc..)

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "readertypes" command like this:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <description>A generic Rifidi Adapter.</description>
         <description>The Rifidi Adapter for the Opticon Barcode Sensor</description>
         <description>The Rifidi Alien autonomous adapter is an endpoint to passively receive tag reads from an Alien reader operating in autonomous mode. You cannot send any commands on the alien autonomous session</description>
         <description>The Rifidi Awid adapater supports the Awid TCP/IP protocol on the 2010 and 3014</description>
         <description>Sensor plugin for Thingmagic 6 readers</description>
         <description>The Rifidi LLRP adapter supports any reader that exposes a Low Level Reader Protocol (LLRP) interface. LLRP is a standard from EPCglobal.</description>
         <description>The Rifidi Awid adapater supports the Awid TCP/IP protocol on the 2010 and 3014</description>
         <description>The Rifidi Alien adapter supports the Alien ALR protocol on the 9900, 9800, 8800 readers.</description>
         <description>Sensor plugin for Thinkify TR50 readers</description>
         <description>The Rifidi ThingMagic adapater supports the ThingMagic RQL protocol on the Mercury 4 and Mercury 5 readers</description>

createreader command example

Note: The command is atomic so either all the parameters/properties in request are valid hence the reader/sensor adapter instance is created or the call fails therefore the reader/adapter instance is not created

  • createreader/{readerType}/{properties} -creates a reader/sensor configuration

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "createreader" command like this (splitting all property key/value pairs by a semicolon):

Response success:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response fail (if there is at least one non valid property, the reader is not created):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <description>Not valid properties: fakeProp=1234|anotherProp=ABC</description>

createreader overriding default readerID command example

The reader id is important for applications' read zones to appropriate operate, and this id is used to link read zones with sensors. This command enables one to set the readerId versus the system generating one (default behavior).

Note: To override the default reader id, there must be included the property readerID, in order to assign a specific reader id and override the default. Note: The command is atomic so either all the parameters/properties in request are valid hence the reader/sensor adapter instance is created or the call fails therefore the reader/adapter instance is not created

  • createreader/{readerType}/{properties} -creates a reader/sensor configuration

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "createreader" command like this (splitting all property key/value pairs by a semicolon):

Response success:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response fail (if there is at least one non valid property, the reader is not created):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <description>Not valid properties: fakeProp=1234|anotherProp=ABC</description>

readers command example

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "readers" command like this:

  • readers - returns a list of readers/senors managed by the Edge Server



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

getproperties command example (to get reader properties)

  • getproperties/{readerID} - returns the reader/sensor properties

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "getproperties" command like this, to get a reader properties:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

getproperties command example (to get command properties)

  • getproperties/{commandID} - returns the command properties

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "getproperties" command like this:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

setproperties command example (to set reader properties)

  • setproperties/{readerID}/{properties}" - sets the reader/sensor properties

Note: if there is an existing session for updated reader properties to take effect the session will need to be deleted and recreated so the properties are moved to the session

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) setproperties" like this (splitting all property key/value pairs by a semicolon):

Response success:



Response fail (valid properties are set, ignoring not valid ones):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <description>Not valid properties: att1=aa|att2=bbb|attt3=YY</description>

setproperties command example (to set command properties)

  • setproperties/{commandID}/{properties}" - sets the command properties

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) setproperties" like this (splitting all property key/value pairs by a semicolon):

Response success



Response fail (valid properties are set, ignoring not valid ones):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <description>Not valid properties: cc=4|other=67</description>

commands command example

  • commands - returns a list of available commands

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "commands" command like this:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

createcommand example

Note: The command is atomic so either all the parameters/properties in request are valid hence the command instance is created or the call fails therefore the rcommand instance is not created

  • createcomamnd/{commandType}/{properties} - creates a command to be executed on a reader session

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "createcommand" command like this (splitting all property key/value pairs by a semicolon):

Response succees:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response error (if there is at least one non valid property, the command is not created):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <description>Not valid properties: propX=123|prop2=AB</description>

createsession command example

  • createsession/{readerID} - creates a session (with corresponding reader/sensor configuration) and returns status code (such as successful)

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "createsession" command like this:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

startsession command example

  • startsession/{readerID}/{sessionID} - starts a session for a given reader/sensor and returns status code (such as successful)

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "startsession" command like this:


Response: Success

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response: Fail

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <description>Unable to start session, current state is CONNECTING  - See Rifidi Edge Sever Log for details</description>

readerstatus command example

  • readerstatus/{readerID} - retuns teh status of a given reader/sensor

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "readerstatus" command like this:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

stopsession command example

  • stopsession/{readerID}/{sessionID} - stops a session for a given reader/sensor and returns status code (such as successful)

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "stopsession" command like this:


Response success:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response fail:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <description>Unable to stop session, current state is CREATED  - See Rifidi Edge Sever Log for details</description>

executecommand command example

  • executecommand/{readerID}/{sessionID}/{commandID}/{repeatInterval} - Executes a command for a given session

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "executecommand" command like this:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

deletesession command example

  • deletesession/{readerID}/{sessionID} - deletes a session and returns status code (such as successful)

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "deletesession" command like this:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

save command example

  • save - Saves the current state of the Edge Server configuration (such as created readers/sensors, modified properties etc..

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "save" command like this:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

LLRP Dynamic Configuration command example

Example LLRP Message (Setting Reader Configuration) -

<llrp:SET_READER_CONFIG xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0">
  • posting the example LLRP Message using MyHttpTestClient

Response: Success

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<llrp:SET_READER_CONFIG_RESPONSE xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0">
    <llrp:ErrorDescription />
  • posting the example LLRP Message using MyHttpTestClient, setting wrong reader id

Response: Fail

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <description>ReaderID is missing or invalid</description>
  • posting the example LLRP Message using MyHttpTestClient, setting wrong session id

Response: Fail

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <description>SessionID is missing or invalid</description>
  • posting the example LLRP Message using MyHttpTestClient, setting wrong entry in xml message, for example setting <llrp:EnableCRC>xxAB1</llrp:EnableCRC>

Response: Fail

LTK XML message can not be validated against schema org/llrp/ltk/llrp-1x0.xsd
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<llrp:SET_READER_CONFIG xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0">
because cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: 'xxAB1' is not a valid value for 'boolean'.

LLRP Get Reader Configuration

Available starting in Rifidi 3.1.1

Note: Applies to LLRP sesnortypes only. Helpful for troubleshooting to determine the current LLRP Reader configuration example


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<llrp:GET_READER_CONFIG_RESPONSE xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0">


Available starting in Rifidi 3.1.1

Note: Applies to only LLRP sensortypes - Helpful for troubleshooting to determine the current LLRP ROSpec configuration example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<llrp:GET_ROSPECS_RESPONSE xmlns:llrp="http://www.llrp.org/ltk/schema/core/encoding/xml/1.0" Version="1" MessageID="0">

Ping - Used by failover feature

  • ping - Returns a date/timestamp

Request (via HTTP Post/Get) "ping" command like this:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>